In my personal opinion I think that carbon mitigation. Reducing carbon reduces pollution. Pollution is one of the biggest problems facing our planet today. Wetlands help balance the amount of carbon in our air, too much carbon is bad and too little carbon is also bad. But wetlands help keep a balance so that there is just enough carbon in the atmosphere.
By definition interpretation is the action of explaining the meaning of something. But interpretation is much more than just explaining the meaning, interpretation is the revelation of meanings and relationships using many different types of objects, illustrative media, and by firsthand experience. Freeman Tildien- was an American writer who wrote a book on the 6 principals of interpretation. He traveled for many years observing the ways of interpretation in national parks. Freeman Tilden (1957)
It would be interesting to create a balance sheet to establish how much carbon is absorbed versus how much gwg is emitted by a wetland.