When I go to the wetlands I will interprete what I’m tanking about. I will start with relating something to the audience like, Talking friendly, smiling, saying hi, making small talk, and making eye contact Then I will reveal some information by, Building up the topic, and by asking questions to see if they know what the topic is about. I will then combine many forms of arts like: Telling a story, telling some jokes, acting something out, and using a picture to tell a story. I will try to provoke interest by, Playing a game, asking information, and showing a poster. Be a part of the greater whole, Try to connect the little things to a bigger picture, like how a wetlands can have a big impact on climate change. The wetlands is the little thing and climate change is the bigger picture.
This is Hashim’s outdoor education project. This blog was made on April 4th /2018 at 2:30pm.